Tuesday, December 29
Happy Holidays from the Rebelles!
Monday, December 7
Feminist Discussion Night
This week's topic will be how to balance "bandaid activism" (ie working within the system to make change) with dismantling the patriarchy. Everyone is welcome to come, and the discussion will be followed by a brief NB Rebelles meeting which you are welcome (but under no obligation) to attend.
See you there!
Sunday, December 6
20 Years Ago (and today)
Nathalie Provost, a Dec 6th Survivor (link):
A speech delivered by Megan Leslie, Halifax MP, last year (link, via):But the question we don’t let ourselves ask is what.
What is it going to take to change things?
What can I do?
The answer to these questions is unsettling, because it makes us face uncomfortable facts:
We live in a culture of casual misogyny.
We live in a culture that pays attention to women most often when it wants to berate us, blame us, or compare us to each other.
And we don’t do enough to fight it.
Like when hundreds of Aboriginal women go missing.
When the word “equality” is taken out of the Status of Women mandate.
When victims of violence are referred to in the media as “hookers” and “junkies” rather than “women” or even “people”.
We need to do better than this.
We need to call out sexist behavior, even if it causes social friction to do so.
We need to support women who are working to create and reflect a culture of non-violence and possibility.
We need to tell the media that they won’t talk us into hating ourselves and each other.
We need to remind our government that women count.
We need to look after each other, and ourselves.
Judy Rebick reflects and calls for action (link):... while there is a societal consensus against male violence against women today, that violence goes on unabated particularly against marginalized women like those disappeared on the downtown east side in Vancouver or the hundreds of aboriginal women who are disappeared and murdered without much attention from police, or the virtual slavery of desperate women trafficked into prostitution on a global scale.
Jessica Yee, The next generation - and what women sometimes forget - on December 6th (link):Yes, I’m from the next generation of women who were too young to remember when the murders actually took place, but I suppose I belong to the current generation of women who identify themselves with feminist politics and have heard from the foremothers of this movement in Canada about the significance of remembering the day, and to never forget it. They say, “Women Won’t Forget” on December 6th. But as a young, sex working, multiracial, bisexual, two-spirited, Aboriginal woman, I think that sometimes, especially at these December 6th type events, women DO forget a few things.
Sometimes women forget that as Aboriginal women, we are five times more likely to die of violence than any other race of women in Canada, and that women have been going missing and have been murdered in our communities by the thousands, for hundreds of years.
Women forget that while we show up to vigils and talk up a nice speech about some “poor prostitute” who died on the streets, we simultaneously judge, shun, and degrade current sex workers and speak against decriminalization - something that might actually help to protect us.
Sometimes, women forget that same-sex violence should be taken as seriously as man to woman violence and that we really don’t talk about violence in the queer community as often as we could.
Women forget that Elder violence is very real and is happening, but also that a lot of it is committed against young women, who deserve the opportunity to speak for ourselves as youth, not be spoken for by yet another generation of first or second wave feminists who don’t want to give up their power from the old days yet.
As a response to the Montreal Massacre, the federal government set up a gun registry, and now:
Stephen Hume, Scrapping long-gun registry is pandering to vocal minority (link):Will Canadians ignore the irony of Parliament scrapping the long-gun registry ... The biggest risk for Harper's Conservatives will be how women react, since women are predominantly victims of murder by long gun, a fact conveniently overlooked in mostly male anger over the registry.
[...] statistics show clearly that women are more likely to be murdered with a long gun than with a handgun.
These statistics tell us that the decision by parliamentarians to scrap the long-gun registry is ideologically based pandering to a self-serving myth held by a minority of Conservatives and amplified by intense lobbying from a special interest group.
Friday, December 4
NB Rebelles Reader
Anti Feminists are all around us. I learned at the Montreal Rebelles meeting that many anti groups have roots in past feminists endeavors. Men being disenfranchised? I imagine that would be infuriating enough to lash out at, not that women know anything about that
Speaking of lashing out, Andrea Gibson eloquently put emotions into words when she was in Fredericton last month. A St. Thomas journalism student produced this piece on the event
Also locally, at the Morgantaller clinic, a protester has often tried to convince the escorts that the face of Jesus is visible in the plastic bag of a photograph he has. One crazy can often find another
Something from a perspective I hadn't considered, hugging as body politics. Good thing we have cuddle parties to help us learn about consent and comfortable touch
Finally, for this week's dose of fun culture, cat apartments
Thursday, December 3
Call for Pro-Choice Activists' Stories
Feminists For Choice is seeking essays or narratives from feminists about what drives them to activism. Pro-choice activists of all ages, gender identities, races, and experience levels are encouraged to contribute. The essays are being compiled into an e-book (fancy!) that will be available for download (ooooh!).
Scurry on over there and check it out - the deadline for submissions is Feb. 15, 2010.
Tuesday, November 24
No NB Rebelles - Fredericton meeting this week
We won't be holding a meeting this week due to the vast number of other events going on.
Let me tell you about them!
1) Working towards Peace for Women - A community Discussion, from 6:30-9:00 pm at Renaissance College (811 Charlotte Street) with our own Peggy Cooke!
2) A public lecture by Dr. Michael Parenti at 7pm on campus (link)
3) A public lecture by John Ralston Saul at 7pm at the art gallery (facebook link)
Various group members hope to see you at the various events :)
Monday, November 23
20 Days 20 Ways
I sure hope so.
If not, it looks something like this:
They're asking Canadians to send 20 postcards in 20 days to Stephen Harper, telling him to take action to end violence against women (click here for more info). They're doing it now because on December 6th it will be 20 years since fourteen women were murdered in Montreal.
Cool initiative, right?
"But wait," you say, "the campaign has already started, and I'm behind, and I don't even have a package of postcards to do this with."
Good news!
It's all online. Everyday, instead of mailing a postcard, you can fill out a page on the internet that will send the message for you. There is even a spot for you to add your own words on the subject. And sure this started on November 16th, but hey, better late than never.
Today's message was "Funding for shelters must be substantially increased." Yes! It does. What will tomorrow's message be? Why not see for yourself, at their website:
Let's work together. A lot is being done across the country on these issues, but it would be nice to unite, even if it's just in postcard form. I got my postcard package yesterday and shoved seven cards in the mail. Please do the same!
NB Rebelles Reader
also, we might want to reconsider the implications of our online lives
plants are good for our socializing and their own
students and sex workers have a say about labour conditions and rights
while we fight for equality, some women are living day to day
U.S. health care update from the Huffington Post, and breast cancer research news
to end on a lighter note, in fashion, androgyny is in, and so is Emily Blunt
and in music, Julie Fader was in the Maritimes this week, catch her and Brian Borcherdt tonight in Moncton
ooh, and this made me laugh
Friday, November 20
Candlelight vigil for Hilary Bonnell
In the wake of the tragic finding of Hilary Bonnell there will be a candlelight vigil November 21st at 5:30 p.m. at the Exhibition Grounds in downtown Fredericton.
The procession will head down Smythe Street, up King Street, and make it's way to City Hall where there will be speakers. There will be a representative from the Muriel McQueen Ferguson Foundation, the [Fredericton Sexual Assault] Crisis Center, and Gignoo House.
Remember to bring a candle, your prayers, and your support.
STU Native Student Council
The NB Rebelles - Fredericton, in solidarity with the aforementioned groups, hope to see you at the vigil tomorrow.
In the last issue of The Brief there was an article about the disappearance of Hilary Bonnell, discussing "what role racism, colonialism, and misogyny have played in the low level of the media coverage and slow pace of the police investigation," thus linking this murder to the over 500 Aboriginal women who have gone missing or been murdered in Canada.
Click here to read the article.
For more resources, visit
-Amnesty International Canada's Stolen Sisters page
Leave more links/resources in the comments if you have them.
Sunday, November 15
NB Rebelles Reader
This week, the NY Times was on fire:
Editorial on the ban on abortion coverage
One woman show about the state of heath care in the US
Fashion, on the cheap
Chemicals in our food and bodies
Transgender pianist
This week's great top ten list
Claims rise while action is stagnant
Classic case of more money than brains
And the competing head scratchers:
Before we were sure the needy were getting what's essentially a hand out
And after, we rejoyce that our tax for the poor really does go back to the needy. Arg
Saturday, November 14
Remembering: the Day After
I just came across this amazing piece on the militarism of Remembrance Day, patriotism, war, and how it connects to what is about to descend on Vancouver. Definitely check it out, it is short, powerful and worth the read.
In case you missed Andrea Gibson on Thursday night, here is a great poem of hers along the same (anti-war) theme.
Thursday, November 12
Tuesday, November 10
Weekly Feminist Photo
More Wonder Women!
For the full comic (which I highly recommend), please visit Kate Beaton's website!
Take some time and go through the archives - she rocks a historical focus which often puts the spotlight on ladies of the past who we all know and love.
You can leave it to luck and hit "random" on her website, or go to her archives page (here) and look for titles of interest. Keep your eyes peeled for numerous Jane Austin comics!
My favourites:
Her comic on "girl jokes" and also Suffragettes In The City.
Have an excellent Tuesday, friends, and if you're in town: go get your tickets for the Andrea Gibson show! Goodness!
Monday, November 9
NB Rebelles Reader
In cute animal news, NB lions can't keep their emotions in check
Wall Street success story?
I like the idea of the German Chancellor's quiet revolution
This one speaks for itself, what if we did as much to prevent rape as we did to prevent H1N1?
I like lists, particularly the ones challenging us to think about equality and how we can be active in it
Speaking of gender, famous people make everything more interesting
Women's history is only in it's 4th decade. This is beautiful and horrific all at the same time somehow
More shock, medical horror stories, this time with vaginas
Sometimes I think things are getting better. Then I read something like this
Finally, if you were able to catch any of Silver Wave Film Festival this weekend, you were sure to hear about the amazing short, Broke. Nominated for Best Original Music, Best New Brunswick Short Drama, Best Screenwriting, and winner of Best Actress in a Short Drama
Next Discussion and Meeting
We will be discussing different types of feminism. The discussion is very informal, and will be followed by a brief NB Rebelles meeting (for which everyone is welcome, but not obligated, to stay).
Feminist HQ is 698 Charlotte Street. For more information, feel free to email us! nbrebelles@gmail.com
Friday, November 6
Andrea Gibson in Fredericton on Nov 12th!
The show starts at 8:00 pm with opening acts by local artist Kaylee Hopkins and our very own NB RebELLEs Gumbooting Troupe!
All proceeds from ticket sales go to the Afghan women’s rights group – RAWA – the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.
Tickets are $10 each ($7 for students) and can be found at the Westminster Bookstore on King Street, the Alden Nowlan Grad House on Windsor Street or by contacting info@frederictonpeace.org
The event is hosted by the Fredericton Peace Coalition, the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre, NB RebELLEs, the University Women’s Centre, the UNB Sexuality Centre, the NB Public Interest Research Group and Broken Jaw Press.
Check out Andrea’s poetry at www.andreagibson.org and find her videos on youtube!
Tuesday, November 3
NB RebElles Reader
Seriously? "Police said they first offered help to the prostitutes to try to get them off the streets, but when it didn't work, they started making arrests"
On abortion, some things never change? Ancient style and Canadian struggles
Bill Maher suggested we hear more about Dick Cheney these days than when he was VP. I think he was right
Speaking of Mr. Maher, tired of reading about H1N1 shots on your facebook feed? I know I am
I do like to read anything with feminism in the title that isn't in a feminist publication, though. Nona Willis profile
Don't forget to vote for the Bucky Awards. Check out Hannah Georgas while you're at it
Finally, I wonder where they thought people would go? Or if anyone considered that people would have to go at all
Monday, November 2
Feminist Film Screening: Menocracy
Here is a synopsis:
Governments in Canada, the USA and the UK do not fairly represent the views of women.
Pushed by the spirit of her great-aunt, Militant Suffragette Gert Harding, Gretchen Kelbaugh searches for ways to elect more women. Leading political scientists and Rt Hon Kim Campbell, the only woman to be head of government in North America, offer many solutions.
In the end, Gretchen and the sassy spirit learn the surprising truth: not only does our rotten democracy fail women; it fails almost everyone. And the secret kept by top politicians: most other democracies have fixed the problem long ago.
And if you prefer to let 'nature' take its course, know this: At our current rate, it'll be well over 200 years before half our politicians are women.
See you there!
Saturday, October 31
It's certainly too late: Feminist Halloween Costumes
Perhaps it's too late to use now, but Jezebel linked to an excellent pumpkin carving stencil at pinkraygun:
... on second thought, as long as there are pumpkins, perhaps it's never too late for such things.
Thursday, October 29
Feminist Discussion
Afterwards we will be having our usual meeting, for which you are always welcome to stay!
Topic: Abortion in New Brunswick
Where: Feminist HQ (698 Charlotte Street)
When: Wednesday, Nov. 4th
Time: 7:00pm
Hope to see you there!
Monday, October 26
NB RebElles Reader
He also mentions Mad Men as his current, favourite tv show. Check out Elisabeth Moss's interview about her character's feminism here
In reproductive rights this week, a New Brunswick update, offering a compassionate perspective to the 40 days of 'life' (I can overuse quotations too) protesters in Fredericton.
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, access to birth control becomes more and more restricted leaving women with difficult choices (surprise!)
Apparently Catholic numbers are so low, Anglicans are welcome again
In body politics, North Americans discuss male circumcision
And in competing parental advice, crazy parents vs. screaming parents
Finally, The Pack A.D. were in Halifax this weekend and there were not nearly enough people rocking out. Making Gestures
Weekly Feminist Photo
They're all wonderful, check em out (link).
Wednesday, October 21
There are so many great things happening this week!
Check out:
The 6:30pm Pay Equity workshop at Renaissance College (811 Charlotte Street). It is free and everyone is welcome to attend!
Dr. Thomas King speaking on Quick and Slick: Why narrative will not save the world, at 7pm in Kinsella Auditorium (McCain Hall), on the campus of St. Thomas University. All are welcome and admission is free.
More Events!
On Thursday night there will be a wonderful show at The Capital featuring Olenka & the Autumn Lovers, an amazing band with three incredible female vocalists!
On Friday at noon Helen Lenskyj is speaking about Challenging the Olympic Industry in Brian Mulroney Hall, room 102. Again, it's free, so come on up.
And people say nothing happens in Fredericton!
Tuesday, October 20
Weekly Feminist Photo
At some point, alongside the wonderful Rebelles Reader posts, I'd like to do a shout out to all the feminist blogs that Rebelles - Fredericton members read.
Right now I'm just going to mention one: Shakesville. You've probably already experienced how excellent it is but if not, please do check it out!
Yesterday she posted something that still has me reeling.
As a reaction to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using the word "she" to describe a hypothetical farmer,* Melissa compiled and posted a photo essay of female farmers from various parts of the world. You need to see these!
These are three of my favourites, though I have many many more:
(a dairy farmer protesting milk prices)
*The word 'farmer' often conjures an image of a man, even though women make up the majority of our world's farmers.
Sunday, October 18
NB RebElles Reader
Pasta as an expression of feminine art
Barbara Ehrenreich reflects on Feminism
Cougar talk makes me uncomfortable
21st Century Babies
and that same study, reported by the BBC
NB's vaccine choice
Finally, a Slovak woman works to understand menstruation. Watch the trailer here
Friday, October 9
NB RebElles Reader
The BBC brings us, Anti-obesity ads shock New Yorkers
Outrageous. Provincial neglect sees mentally ill jailed: Federal Minister.
I knew it.
From NY fashion week
Why anger is good
Little boxes should freak you out
The YMCA Fredericton ran an offensive girls camp this summer. Coincidence?
A continued struggle
And since there isn't a postsecret this week, here's some Sam Brown at Exploding Dog
Sunday, October 4
NB RebElles Reader
From Feministing: Ant Colony Reproduces Without Men.
Icons of the New Iran. From The Nation.
And because it's happening and I can't stop reading about it, The Halifax Pop Explosion is this month.
Thursday, October 1
Weekly Feminist Photo(s)
This weeks photo comes from the Girls Are Not Chicks colouring book created by Julie Novak (of Guitars and Hearts) and Jacinta Bunnell in 2003.
In 2006 they took the book on the road as part of "The Sparkle Kids Action Network Chorus of Crayons Tour" which featured a make your own gender-defying Colouring Book Workshop. Then, in the spring of '07, Neko Case asked Jacinta to join in on her tour, promoting the colouring books by presenting a Live Coloring Stage Show.
Are you kidding me? Neko Case! What? YES!
In other news (nope, it's the same news), I just bought this colouring book on Etsy. I do believe that there are two left, plus copies of another colouring book available.
In real other news, Etsy has a local search option so that you can see what those in your area are making.
Did you know that there is a local maker/seller of cloth menstrual pads in Fredericton? Amazing! Check out Rosie's stuff at the RCD Boutique. If you see something you like, contact her through Etsy and make some pickup arrangements.
Oh goodness, there's nothing I like more than practical crafts!
Sunday, September 27
Saturday, September 26
Why, hello there
Until January, unless otherwise noted, our meetings will be taking place on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the downtown Fredericton area.
Please do come to a meeting or email nbrebelles@gmail.com if you're interested in joining the group or if you're interested in joining the feminist gumbooting troupe.
Same goes if you want to receive our email news letter (it's excellent, trust me).
Other than that, I just wanted to post this glorious comic to make up for all of the Weekly Feminist Photos that were missed during the hiatus.
Hope to see you soon,
Enjoy the autumn air!
Thursday, September 17
Pay Equity Workshop
The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity has very graciously offered to host a workshop in Fredericton next week. The NB Rebelles would like to invite you to join us there! It's free!
Is there a hole in your pay cheque? Do you work in a predominantly female job and feel you are paid less than you should be? This workshop is for you! Learn about PAY EQUITY tools!
Pay equity is: "Equal pay for work of equal value".
Tuesday, September 22nd, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
UNB: Alumni Memorial Building, The President's Room (13 Bailey Rd.)
Registration: NB Coalition for Pay Equity
Phone: 506-855-0002
Fax: 506-854-9728
Thursday, September 3
Don't sideline women's reproductive health care
"Myths and misinformation are flying in the fight over health-care reform... One of the harshest and loudest promoters of this negative campaign is Rush Limbaugh, who recently said on his radio program, "Reproductive health care is abortion.""
And for those of you who may be thinking "Pfewf! SO glad we have public healthcare!", I had to pay $40 yesterday to see a doctor at a private walk-in clinic in Ottawa because they do not accept NB coverage - meaning if I couldn't pay, I would have to make my way to the hospital (no where near where I am) or not see a doctor. New Brunswick cannot afford private healthcare.
Thursday, August 27
Misogyny, up close and personal
A couple of my favourite bits:
"My mistrust is not, as one might expect, primarily a result of the violent acts done on my body, nor the vicious humiliations done to my dignity. It is, instead, born of the multitude of mundane betrayals that mark my every relationship with a man: the casual rape joke, the use of a female slur, the careless demonising of the feminine in everyday conversation[...]"
"There are the occasions that men – intellectual men, clever men, engaged men – insist on playing devil's advocate, desirous of a debate on some aspect of feminist theory or reproductive rights or some other subject generally filed under the heading Women's Issues. These intellectual, clever, engaged men want to endlessly probe my argument for weaknesses, wrestle over details, argue just for fun. And they wonder, these intellectual, clever, engaged men, why my voice keeps rising and why my face is flushed and why, after an hour of fighting my corner, hot tears burn the corners of my eyes.
Why do you have to take this stuff so personally? ask the intellectual, clever, and engaged men, who have never considered that the content of the abstract exercise that's so much fun for them is the stuff of my life."
Yes. This.
Tuesday, August 25
Woman who posed as man to become judo champ finally gets gold - 50 years after being stripped of it
"It was very demeaning, painful," she said.
"It was a horrible feeling - like I did something wrong by being a woman."
The event changed Kanokogi's life.
She later mortgaged her home to fund the first female judo world championships in 1980 and almost single-handedly got women's judo into the 1988 Olympics after threatening to sue the International Olympic Committee.
Monday, August 24
Excerpts, N.B. wage gap, 18 Aug 2009, CBC News via NBWomen's News - August 24, 2009 a service of the New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Friday, August 21
100-year-old activist tells friends she's dying
The 100-year-old, whose advocacy earned her honorary degrees and the Order of Canada, had a serious fall recently at her cottage in Magog, Que. She is receiving palliative care and does not expect to recover...
Ms. Duckworth, a practising Quaker and founding member of protest group The Raging Grannies, was born in Quebec and moved to Nova Scotia in 1947. She and her late husband, Jack, raised three children in the province while dedicating themselves to the cause of social justice.
A founding member of the provincial branch of Voice of Women, Ms. Duckworth served as national president for four years. She helped establish the anti-poverty Canadian Council for International Co-operation, and was one of the first women in Nova Scotia to run for provincial office. She was always strongly opposed to war, a stand that went back more than half a century, and did not recognize popular distinctions between “good" and “bad" conflicts.
She was able to hold onto hope of a better future even as fighting continued around the world, Ms. Franklin said, who noted that social attitudes have slowly changed for the better. Citing the less authoritarian ways people relate in the family, the workplace and at school, Ms. Franklin said the challenge is to extend these new approaches to the international sphere.
But that task will soon be left to the next generation."
Saturday, August 15
We need fewer barriers to abortion, not more
That access to abortion should be threatened, after decades of battles in the courts, is a shocking development.
It is also a reminder that the battle for reproductive rights is never done because there are a cruelly endless number of ways to undermine access. Prince Edward Island still offers no abortion services at all. New Brunswick requires referrals from two doctors. Women in rural areas of the country often have to travel hundreds of kilometres for care. Some provinces cover only the cost of abortions performed in hospitals, creating a financial barrier."
As Atlantic Canadian feminists, the struggle for access to abortion is not a new story to us, but the recent developments in Quebec have been a slap in the face for many women's rights advocates who thought we had permanently gained some ground. I am hoping this dismay continues and draws some more attention to the appauling lack of access in our provinces.
Thursday, August 13
Call for Solidarity from the Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Support Centre
Carleton University is being sued by a female student who was brutally sexually assaulted, on campus, while completing her laboratory work, in 2007. In response, the university states that the victim's injuries were "caused or contributed to by the Plaintiff through her own negligence... she was not keeping a proper lookout for her own safety".
We urge all community members who believe in women's rights to email your thoughts to:
- President Roseann O'Reilly Runte: presidents_office@carleton.ca
- Vice President Duncan Watt: duncan_watt@carleton.ca
- Equity Services: equity@carleton.ca
The Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Support Centre is launching a campaign in response:
We are organizing an emergency rally for next Monday, Aug. 17th:
A demonstration, organized by Carleton Students and members of the Ottawa community, is being held to bring attention to Carleton's stance on sexual assault. Student demonstrators will meet at at 2:30pm in the atrium of the University Centre and will head to the CU's administration offices at 3:00pm to present petitions and opposition letters. We will then march to the Bronson/Sunnyside entrance where we will be joined by members of the larger community for a rally from 4:30-6:00pm.
For more information:
- Check the blogspot and twitter page: http://asking4it.blogspot.com/
- Facebook group: Carleton University's Views on Sexual Assault Do Not Represent Me
To get involved, contact: coalitionforcarleton@gmail.com
Saturday, August 8
Non-feminist ‘more hostile’ towards men than feminists, study finds
What they found was that feminists reported less hostility towards men than non-feminists. In effect, not only does this suggest the stereotype is not true, it’s actually the reverse."
"Our work finds that, indeed, non-feminists believe in traditional gender roles such as men being breadwinners and women being caregivers. At the same time, these non-feminists actually appear to resent the confines of the traditional roles they advocate, which presents a paradox for women and men in traditional heterosexual relationships."
Read the entire entry here: the f word
Friday, August 7
To the Women of Pennsylvania
We want to send our condolences to the friends and family of the dead women in Pennsylvania. We send our best wishes to the wounded. Women live with so many normalized threats to our lives that we hardly notice how much we do to avoid sexist violence. What a brutal reawakening that there is no safe place for women.
The numbers of women killed by men continue to rise mostly one at a time but they are not isolated. This year is the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre and feminists said then as we repeat now "The Motive is Misogyny". This "lone gunman" shares a fear and hatred of women with the men who beat their wives, rape, harass and prostitute women and children. Although he
did not target women as feminists, as was the case with the Montreal Massacre, George Sodini was determined to send a message to all women. But we refuse to listen and we refuse to obey.
The day after the Montreal Massacre on behalf of the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centers, the collective of Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter sent a message to the women in Montreal. It is a no coincidence that the same words apply in this Pennsylvania Femicide.
"We will not excuse his acts when we know of the sadness and failure of his life. We will not blame his mother or lover or the women who refused to be his lovers. We will not blame the women he names in his letter from the dead. We will not blame the feminists who fought for women's liberties.
We hold responsible the men who taught him to expect women to fill his every need. We hold responsible the men who failed to teach him to live with moments of disappointment and anger without reprisals."
From our rape crisis line and transition house for battered women and their children in Vancouver, Canada, we brave on. We find reassurance in the other feminists struggling for equality and freedom everywhere in the world. We have to continue to stand together and we must continue.
Tamar Eylon,
On behalf of the Collective of Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter
Member center of the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centers
Tuesday, August 4
Family Planning - the debate continues...
In harder times, couples adopt stricter family planning
India pays couples to put off having children
Sometimes abortion is the better choice: Should the U.S. government really be in the business of encouraging women to have babies?
Thursday, July 30
Independent media by and for New Brunswickers to be launched on New Brunswick Day
July 29, 2009
Fredericton - The New Brunswick Media Co-op is launching a province-wide independent, news website (nbmediacoop.org) and monthly print publication, The Brief, on Monday, August 3rd. The launch will include an information and activity table at the Family Fun Day in Wilmot Park from 1-4pm, and evening party at Dolan's Pub starting at 8pm. The Brief--a 2-page broadsheet--will be distributed free of charge across New Brunswick.
"We aim to give voice to alternative views while covering communities and events that are ignored by the virtual media monopoly held by the Irvings," said Alex Murphy, member and writer for the NB Media Co-op.
"More now than ever, we need media to be a tool of accountability and democracy. This is impossible when the province's media is almost entirely controlled by one company, which has its own corporate interests at heart, rather than those of the public. We wish to fill that void by making independent media widely accessible to all New Brunswickers," added Murphy.
The NB Media Co-op is seeking members, contributors, and journalists from across the province, and will accept submissions in both French and English.
"We believe that operating democratically in a member-funded, co-operative model will provide greater accountability to the public. We are seeking out people to serve on an advisory committee, with representatives from diverse and under-represented communities. This will ensure that the issues that matter to all New Brunswickers are covered," explained Marie-Christine Allard, a member of the Co-op.
When the corporate domination of the province's media led to the closure of the Carleton Free Press, it became apparent that citizens would have to band together to provide a true voice for the people of New Brunswick. The NB Media Co-op was officially formed at a day-long conference in May that included journalists and concerned citizens from across the province.
"New Brunswick Day is an appropriate day for the launch, since the virtual media monopoly is one of the most pressing issues in the province today," added Allard. "In light of the recent announcement that a dozen professors are now refusing to provide political commentary for the province's main newspaper, in protest of the dismissal of journalism intern, Matt McCann, the NB Media Co-op will provide a welcome and accountable alternative to the uncritical for-profit media."
Media contacts:
Alex Murphy, 455-7424
Marie-Christine Allard, 454-3795
Monday, July 27
CALL OUT for N.B. Media Co-op Advisory Board Representatives
About the N.B. Media Co-op:
The New Brunswick Media Co-op proposes a grassroots, democratic, reader-funded alternative to the corporate press. We're looking for readers, contributors, members, volunteers and sustainers. The Media Co-op belongs to all members and contributors. All forms of media (print, radio, video) are welcome for inclusion on our website and our monthly publication, The Brief (both soon to be launched). Our approach combines journalism, community organizing, and online collaboration to create a financially sustainable, independent, member-run Media Co-op network that spans the country.
Advisory Board members will:
- Work with the editorial board and contributors to ensure that their group/issue has a voice, and is represented fairly;
- Suggest potential news stories or topics for coverage;
- Attend 4 meetings per year;
- Act as a liaison between their group, the editorial collective, and, if needed, the contributors;
- Monitor what is being produced by the N.B. Media Co-op to ensure ethical reporting;
- Keep an eye out for potential new contributors;
- Promote the N.B. Media Co-op, and encourage new members and sustainers;
- Commit to 1-2 year terms on the board.
- Acadian/Francophone New Brunswick
- Anti-Poverty/Social justice
- Arts & Culture
- Disabled
- Environmental Justice
- Farmers/Rural
- Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Queer
- Health
- Indigenous
- Labour
- Multi-cultural
- Post-Secondary Student
- Women
- Youth (High school or younger)
- Excerpts, A Portrait of Co-operatives and Credit Unions in Atlantic Canada, Luc Thériault, Ron Skibbens, Leslie Brown. 2008
Thursday, July 23
Weekly Feminist Photo
While I feel like the sacred rules of Scrabble were bent (if not broken!) to complete this work of art, I still completely endorse its excellence and give it two feminist thumbs up!
Wednesday, July 22
New group aims for more women in N.B. politics
I find that exceptionally hard to believe since even this article is highly biased toward the implementation of a Tory report suggesting the parties need to be offered more money to run female candidates and that proportional representation would increase the number of women in government. Insinuating they would have implemented these changes had they not lost the last election. HA!
Are they really suggesting that women aren't in politics because the parties aren't letting them in? How about the fact that the traditional, capitalist, political structure that we adhere to is also *gasp* patriarchal? When this initiative fails they will say "women aren't interested in politics", and when it has marginal success every time a female politician screws up they will say "so much for affirmative action".
I'd also like to send a special thank-you out to the good old boys who comment on CBC. Seriously, when are we getting that middle finger option I've been requesting? Sometimes a thumbs down just isn't enough.
Monday, July 20
Ohio Law Would Give Men Final Decision in Abortion
Dubbed the “father’s right bill,” it would give the man the right to stand up and say he doesn’t want the fetus he contributed DNA to to be aborted. But it says nothing about then forcing him to be a good father or provide financial stability.
Its sponsor, Rep. John Adams (who has reintroduced a bill first put forth in 2007), has stated publicly that this is an attempt to “keep the two people who have created that child together.”
This is why feminists can't retire.
Thursday, July 16
Weekly Feminist Photo
How badass is Jane Fonda's mug shot?
So badass that she made a t-shirt out of it and wares it around (I love it and I want one)!
While not unproblematic, Jane Fonda is a huge activist and feminist. Check out her wiki to learn more.
Awhile ago she was on the Colbert Report with Gloria Steinem, at which point they all baked a pie (link).
You can read her blog here!
Today's post was inspired by the facebook quiz Which Historical Female Badass Are You? (link)
Tuesday, July 14
NB RebELLES in the Times and Transcript
Published Thursday July 9th, 2009
Thanks again to the New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women (link).
Friday, July 10
Women's Work Festival Press Release
"We're trying to create a safe and open space for women to showcase their work and community contributions," says Jessi Jones, an active member of the NBRebELLEs - Fredericton and an organizer of the Women's Festival, "the festival is free of charge to both contributors and attendees and we hope everyone feels welcome to attend."
The NBRebELLEs just celebrated their first year anniversary as a Fredericton Feminist organization and have themselves participated and organized a number of fundraising and awareness-raising activities. Their adoption of the Feminist Manifesto after the 2008 Pan-Canadian Young Feminist Conference in Montreal drives them to continue contributing in their own community.
"Networking is vital to collective struggles and providing spaces for women to share the things they are passionate about is an important part of building a strong community," says another NBRebELLE, Keri Ryan, "We still have lots of room for more artists, vendors, musicians and anyone else at the Festival, so please feel free to contact us if you'd like to contribute."
If you are a self-identified woman, and would like to sell your wares, provide an information booth, give an instructional workshop, or play/perform on the stage, contact the NBRebELLEs at Womens.Work.Festival@gmail.com and check out their webpage
Thursday, July 9
Weekly Feminist Photo
They offer a news letter and merchandise on their site - do check it out!
As their resource page is limited to martial arts in the US, I'm wondering if anyone knows of anything like this in the Canadian context.
Leave a comment and let us know!
Wednesday, July 8
Feminist Tree GO, August 16th at 11:30am
Various Feminists and Feminist Groups in the Fredericton area are getting together for Tree GO (link).
We'll be doing this on Sunday, August 16th at 11:30am.
Please RSVP to nbrebelles@gmail.com if you're planning to attend or want more information. The RSVP cut-off date is Friday July 24th.
In your response, let us know your preferred contact info and if you need (or can provide) a drive.
Stay tuned for post-Tree GO BBQ details!
In Solidarity,
The NB RebELLES - Fredericton
Monday, July 6
Gumbooters Needed!
Please feel free to distribute this call-out among your networks. The NB Rebelles Fredericton gumbooters are putting our boots back on, and we're looking for new members! If you have a desire to express your feminism through slapping, clapping and stomping, this is your opportunity!
No experience is needed, and there are no age, gender, or any other restrictions. All that is needed is a sense of humour and a willingness to learn.
Below is the link to our Facebook group and website, as well as some videos with examples of moves we have learned. If you need more information or you are interested in joining, please email us at nbrebelles@gmail.com, with "Gumboot" in the subject line.
Our practices are on Mondays at 7:00pm, starting July 13th. Join us!
Facebook group
Some examples of our moves.
In solidarity,
NB Rebelles - Fredericton
Sunday, July 5
Recent Visitor Map of the NB Rebelles Blog
In the last week we've had visitors from
Canada, United States, Portugal, United Kingdom, Trinidad And Tobago, Europe, Cayman Islands, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, and the Netherlands.
Say hello in the comments if you're interested! How is feminism doing in your area?
Thursday, July 2
Weekly Feminist Photo
'100 Boots' is the name of a stunning conceptual series that she created by photographing black rubber boots in various locations from coast to coast across the US from 1971 to 1973 - there are 51 photos in all. This one is my favourite (also - a total shout out to our gumboot troupe!)
In 1972 she also created Carving: A Traditional Sculpture (link). It was "a pseudo-scientific record of her weight loss on a strict 36-day diet. She had herself photographed naked every morning -- front, back, left, right -- as she ''carved'' her ''ideal'' self through abnegation" (link).
If that's not feminist commentary on our culture, I don't know what is.
If you see a photo that you'd like to see posted/written about, email nbrebelles@gmail.com with "Weekly Feminist Photo" in the subject line.
Feminist Tree GO
Various Feminists and Feminist Groups in the Fredericton area are getting together for Tree GO (link).
Are you interested? Help choose the date!
Fill out this doodle poll: link
If more than 15 people sign up, we get discounted price.
After you fill out the poll, email nbrebelles@gmail.com with your contact info, and we will keep you up to date with the plans!
Where: Renaissance College, 811 Charlotte St.
On the agenda:
- Student welcome week,
- Afghanistan,
- Colombian solidarity,
- indigenous solidarity,
- Palestine & more.
Friday, June 26
When Partner Abuse Isn't a Bruise But a Pregnant Belly
'He Thought a Baby Would Keep Me in His Life Forever': When Partner Abuse Isn't a Bruise But a Pregnant Belly - AlterNet, By Lynn Harris
Tuesday, June 23
Opposition NDP slams Tory politician for 'sexist' remarks on blog
The blog also said there's "nothing that a man wants less than a woman scowling because he thinks he is going to get shit for something and he has no idea what."
Notley [NDP] said the comments suggest a lack of respect for women and a failure to understand women's struggle for equality.
"What does it say about Alberta when a government MLA is telling young girls that their understanding of equality can be found in a diet sweetener at Starbucks?" Notley asked in a news release.
"Equal is a woman's right, not a Starbucks sweetener.""
New favourite line: "If I were sexist I think I would certainly know about it by now." Um, dude, we just told you...Sunday, June 21
It Starts With You
We are launching this campaign just prior to Father's Day here in North America - to celebrate, inspire, and mark the important role fathers (and other adult male role models) can play in promoting healthy and gender equitable relationships in our world.
This campaign hopes to:
* Help men positively influence their younger sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, students, and community members;
* Engage young people in meaningful dialogue about gender equality; and,
* Connect with other men to find out what works when talking with the boys in their lives.
Campaign Links:
It Starts With You
Ca Commence Avec Toi
I really hope you can visit the site, share it with your friends, and even post some of your own stories. There is a page dedicated to how you can share this with others, download a Facebook link, or download a banner. We would very much appreciate any links to your and your work around the world, any blogging you can do on the campaign - or other ideas of who we should be
sharing it with.
As an online, internet based campaign - we hope that anyone who finds it useful and relevant is able to share and utilize the information.
I think it is also important to express our gratitude for our colleagues at the Family Violence Prevention Fund in the US sharing their research and experience in their "Coaching Boys Into Men" campaign, which was very important to our effort.
The great thing about developing this campaign was learning from men across Ontario, that most of us are already doing this kind of mentoring in our lives. We maybe need some tips and encouragement and inspiration, or to make the links between our roles as fathers and mentors and ending violence against women, but it made for a very inspiring and hopeful experience
developing this campaign.
Thanks for taking a minute to check it out - your feedback is most welcome. And most of all Happy Father's Day!
Until the violence stops,
Todd Minerson, Executive Director
White Ribbon Campaign
men working to end violence against women
p: 416-920-6684 / f: 416-920-1678
Saturday, June 20
Joyce Arthur: Facts and fictions about sex trafficking and Vancouver's 2010 Olympics
Download: Human Trafficking, Sex Work Safety and the 2010 Games
The 150-page report, Human Trafficking, Sex Work Safety and the 2010 Games, was commissioned by Vancouver's Sex Industry Worker Safety Action Group (SIWSAG). Warning that ill-informed assumptions about 2010 and trafficking may actually endanger sex workers, its recommendations focus on the real concern: that Games-related street closures and the planned security regime risks displacing sex workers into more dangerous and isolated areas. The report also notes community fears that street-level sex workers may be moved in an effort to "clean up the streets".
The report echoes the 2009 Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women report on sex trafficking and the 2010 Olympics, which found that "an increase of trafficking in persons into forced prostitution does not occur around sporting events". Further, the RCMP has stated that there is no evidence to suggest an increase in human trafficking during the Games (Vancouver Sun, January 7).
In the moral crusade against prostitution, trafficking is often wrongly conflated with sex work, a position first argued by the Bush Republicans who refused American funding aid to sex-worker and anti-trafficking organizations that support the decriminalization of sex work. However, trafficking in persons involves the coerced movement of a person into a situation of forced labour, while sex work is the consensual exchange of sexual services for money.
The great majority of sex workers are not trafficked or controlled by "pimps". Most are in business for themselves or work through an agency, and most work indoors, not on the street where it's far more dangerous. Conflating trafficking with sex work is wrong and, worse, can mask the real issues of violence and exploitation that occur within both trafficking and sex work. For example, trafficking victims in other economic sectors, such as construction or farm work, are ignored in the moral panic over sex trafficking.
Sex trafficking is a serious crime, but a wide range of factors makes it difficult to prevent or detect. Global estimates of trafficking victims are often no better than "guesstimates" and can be grossly over-inflated, especially prior to large sporting events. An estimated 40,000 forced prostitutes were expected in Germany for the 2006 World Cup, but they failed to show up. About 20,000 forced prostitutes were anticipated for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, but only 181 trafficked persons were actually reported in Greece for all of 2004.
Sex workers have the same right to travel and migrate as anyone else, but when they are wrongly labeled as trafficking victims, it leads to extreme human rights violations. In many countries-including Canada-this means violent raids of brothels, and the harassment, criminalization, detention, and deportation of sex workers, most of whom are voluntary workers. A huge concern is that misguided enforcement campaigns take place with no input from affected groups, including sex-worker groups, trafficked persons, migrant workers, unions, and relevant labour sectors.
The tendency to focus on international trafficking also means that domestic trafficking is given short shrift. But forced migration from rural areas of Canada to the cities is an enormous problem for aboriginal women and girls, who live with a devastating legacy from colonialism and forced assimilation. According to the Native Women's Association of Canada, many "are driven into domestic trafficking as a result by poverty and conditions on the reserve, sometimes by conditions of abuse".
The RCMP estimates that "600 women and children are trafficked into Canada each year for the purpose of sexual exploitation" (SIWSAG report). Anti-trafficking initiatives are critically important, but grossly inflating the level of trafficking and treating all female sex workers as trafficked victims does nothing to improve their safety-it only exacerbates their stigma and marginalization.
We must involve affected stakeholders and apply an evidence-based approach to prevent trafficking, rather than misrepresent the issues with scare-mongering, sexist rhetoric. Most importantly, our focus must be on ensuring the safety and full human rights of sex workers before, during, and after the 2010 Games.
Joyce Arthur is a cofounder of FIRST, a feminist group advocating for the rights of sex workers and for the decriminalization of prostitution.
Thursday, June 18
Weekly Feminist Photo
This comes from Off Our Backs (link), a feminist collective that has published a news journal since the 70's.
If you see a photo that you'd like to see posted/written about, email nbrebelles@gmail.com with "Weekly Feminist Photo" in the subject line.
CUPE wins rights for NB casual workers
In a decision released today, Justice Paulette Garnett of the New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench ruled that the New Brunswick Public Service Labour Relations Act is contrary to section 2(d) of the Charter of Rights which protects the right to freedom of association.
“We are very pleased with this victory. We have casual workers in this province who have been working as ‘casual’ in the public sector for years. Those workers have no rights, earn less and have no benefits,” said CUPE New Brunswick president Daniel Légère.
Justice Garnett said for many years the province, as an employer, has subjected casual workers to practices which can “only be described as unfair.”
The judge is giving the province one year to remedy this situation.
CUPE launched legal proceedings in September 2005 to obtain rights for those workers.
Thousands of temporary or seasonal workers employed by the province could be affected by this decision.
The fight over casual workers has been waged multiple times over the past two decades."
Wednesday, June 17
Men Outearn Women in Almost All Occupations
A new analysis released by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) today on Equal Pay Day shows that men out-earn women in nearly every occupation for which data are available.
Of the more than 500 occupational categories for which sufficient data are provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in only 5 occupations do women earn the same or more than men.
Men earn more than women even in jobs that are most common among women, such as
- Administrative assistants: women earn only 83.4 cents for a man's dollar
- Elementary and middle school teachers: women earn 87.6 cents for a man's dollar
- Registered nurses: women earn 87.4 cents for a man's dollar
Men and women still tend to be concentrated in very different jobs, with the most common jobs among women paying less than the most common jobs held by men. For example, the highest paying of the ten most common occupations for women, 'Registered Nurses,' pays $1,011 in median weekly earnings, whereas the highest paying of men's top ten most common jobs is 'Managers, all other,' which pays $1,359 per week. The lowest paying of the most common
jobs for women is 'Cashier' at $349 per week, whereas the lowest paying most common job for men is 'Cook' at $404 per week.
Ariane Hegewisch, Study Director at the Institute for Women's Policy Research, says, "Women tend to be in the minority of workers in the occupations with the highest earnings. We need to ensure that women are fully informed about the earnings potential of an occupation before they
choose their careers."
The analysis uses data from the Bureau of Labor statistics from 2008.
IWPR Director of Research Dr. Barbara Gault notes, "The data paint a clear picture of a workforce that remains strongly divided on the basis of sex -- with women landing in the worst jobs our labor market has to offer, and earning less than men even in the exact same jobs. Our economy can only thrive when opportunities are equally available regardless of gender or race."