Sunday, June 21

It Starts With You

Dear friends of the White Ribbon Campaign. We are extremely happy to share our latest campaign with you.

We are launching this campaign just prior to Father's Day here in North America - to celebrate, inspire, and mark the important role fathers (and other adult male role models) can play in promoting healthy and gender equitable relationships in our world.

This campaign hopes to:

* Help men positively influence their younger sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, students, and community members;
* Engage young people in meaningful dialogue about gender equality; and,
* Connect with other men to find out what works when talking with the boys in their lives.

Campaign Links:
It Starts With You
Ca Commence Avec Toi

I really hope you can visit the site, share it with your friends, and even post some of your own stories. There is a page dedicated to how you can share this with others, download a Facebook link, or download a banner. We would very much appreciate any links to your and your work around the world, any blogging you can do on the campaign - or other ideas of who we should be
sharing it with.

As an online, internet based campaign - we hope that anyone who finds it useful and relevant is able to share and utilize the information.

I think it is also important to express our gratitude for our colleagues at the Family Violence Prevention Fund in the US sharing their research and experience in their "Coaching Boys Into Men" campaign, which was very important to our effort.

The great thing about developing this campaign was learning from men across Ontario, that most of us are already doing this kind of mentoring in our lives. We maybe need some tips and encouragement and inspiration, or to make the links between our roles as fathers and mentors and ending violence against women, but it made for a very inspiring and hopeful experience
developing this campaign.

Thanks for taking a minute to check it out - your feedback is most welcome. And most of all Happy Father's Day!

Until the violence stops,


Todd Minerson, Executive Director

White Ribbon Campaign

men working to end violence against women

p: 416-920-6684 / f: 416-920-1678

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