Monday, July 6

Gumbooters Needed!

Click here to check out this artist!
Hi friends and supporters,

Please feel free to distribute this call-out among your networks. The NB Rebelles Fredericton gumbooters are putting our boots back on, and we're looking for new members! If you have a desire to express your feminism through slapping, clapping and stomping, this is your opportunity!

No experience is needed, and there are no age, gender, or any other restrictions. All that is needed is a sense of humour and a willingness to learn.

Below is the link to our Facebook group and website, as well as some videos with examples of moves we have learned. If you need more information or you are interested in joining, please email us at, with "Gumboot" in the subject line.

Our practices are on Mondays at 7:00pm, starting July 13th. Join us!

Facebook group
Some examples of our moves.

In solidarity,

NB Rebelles - Fredericton

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