Saturday, October 31

It's certainly too late: Feminist Halloween Costumes

Check out some excellent feminist halloween costumes that bitch blogs have up (link).

Perhaps it's too late to use now, but Jezebel linked to an excellent pumpkin carving stencil at pinkraygun:

... on second thought, as long as there are pumpkins, perhaps it's never too late for such things.

Thursday, October 29

Feminist Discussion

Friends in Fredericton, please join us for some informal feminist discussion next Wednesday. This week's topic will be abortion in New Brunswick, and if it goes well we will continue to host discussions on a range of topics related to feminism. Everyone is welcome!

Afterwards we will be having our usual meeting, for which you are always welcome to stay!

Topic: Abortion in New Brunswick
Where: Feminist HQ (698 Charlotte Street)
When: Wednesday, Nov. 4th
Time: 7:00pm

Hope to see you there!

Monday, October 26

NB RebElles Reader

First off this week, we're reminded by Feministing how amazing and positive it is to have men like Michael Kimmel speaking about equality and language

He also mentions Mad Men as his current, favourite tv show. Check out Elisabeth Moss's interview about her character's feminism here

In reproductive rights this week, a New Brunswick update, offering a compassionate perspective to the 40 days of 'life' (I can overuse quotations too) protesters in Fredericton.

Meanwhile, in the Philippines, access to birth control becomes more and more restricted leaving women with difficult choices (surprise!)

Apparently Catholic numbers are so low, Anglicans are welcome again

In body politics, North Americans discuss male circumcision

And in competing parental advice, crazy parents vs. screaming parents

Finally, The Pack A.D. were in Halifax this weekend and there were not nearly enough people rocking out. Making Gestures

Weekly Feminist Photo

Here is another picture-postcard from Antigone Magazine's Dreams For Women posted on Confabulous:

They're all wonderful, check em out (link).

Wednesday, October 21

There are so many great things happening this week!

The NB Rebelles - Fredericton won't be meeting tonight (Wed, Oct 21st) because there are two very excellent events happening -

Check out:

The 6:30pm Pay Equity workshop at Renaissance College (811 Charlotte Street). It is free and everyone is welcome to attend!


Dr. Thomas King
speaking on Quick and Slick: Why narrative will not save the world, at 7pm in Kinsella Auditorium (McCain Hall), on the campus of St. Thomas University. All are welcome and admission is free.

More Events!

On Thursday night there will be a wonderful show at The Capital featuring Olenka & the Autumn Lovers, an amazing band with three incredible female vocalists!

On Friday at noon Helen Lenskyj is speaking about Challenging the Olympic Industry in Brian Mulroney Hall, room 102. Again, it's free, so come on up.

And people say nothing happens in Fredericton!

Tuesday, October 20

Weekly Feminist Photo

Oh hello!

At some point, alongside the wonderful Rebelles Reader posts, I'd like to do a shout out to all the feminist blogs that Rebelles - Fredericton members read.

Right now I'm just going to mention one: Shakesville. You've probably already experienced how excellent it is but if not, please do check it out!

While all contributors at Shakesville write excellent and important posts, I always look forward to reading pretty much anything that Melissa McEwan has to say (or draw).

Yesterday she posted something that still has me reeling.

As a reaction to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using the word "she" to describe a hypothetical farmer,* Melissa compiled and posted a photo essay of female farmers from various parts of the world. You need to see these!

These are three of my favourites, though I have many many more:



(a dairy farmer protesting milk prices)

Which ones get to you?

*The word 'farmer' often conjures an image of a man, even though women make up the majority of our world's farmers.

Friday, October 9

NB RebElles Reader

How Nonsense Sharpens Intellect from the Times

The BBC brings us, Anti-obesity ads shock New Yorkers

Outrageous. Provincial neglect sees mentally ill jailed: Federal Minister.

I knew it.

From NY fashion week

Why anger is good

Little boxes should freak you out

The YMCA Fredericton ran an offensive girls camp this summer. Coincidence?

A continued struggle

And since there isn't a postsecret this week, here's some Sam Brown at Exploding Dog

Sunday, October 4

NB RebElles Reader

Can the Right Kinds of Play Teach Self-Control? From the NY Times.

From Feministing: Ant Colony Reproduces Without Men.

Icons of the New Iran. From The Nation.

And because it's happening and I can't stop reading about it, The Halifax Pop Explosion is this month.

Thursday, October 1

Weekly Feminist Photo(s)

This weeks photo comes from the Girls Are Not Chicks colouring book created by Julie Novak (of Guitars and Hearts) and Jacinta Bunnell in 2003.

In 2006 they took the book on the road as part of "The Sparkle Kids Action Network Chorus of Crayons Tour" which featured a make your own gender-defying Colouring Book Workshop. Then, in the spring of '07, Neko Case asked Jacinta to join in on her tour, promoting the colouring books by presenting a Live Coloring Stage Show.

Are you kidding me? Neko Case! What? YES!

In other news (nope, it's the same news), I just bought this colouring book on Etsy. I do believe that there are two left, plus copies of another colouring book available.

In real other news, Etsy has a local search option so that you can see what those in your area are making.

Did you know that there is a local maker/seller of cloth menstrual pads in Fredericton? Amazing! Check out Rosie's stuff at the RCD Boutique. If you see something you like, contact her through Etsy and make some pickup arrangements.

Oh goodness, there's nothing I like more than practical crafts!