Tuesday, November 15

Rebelles Reader

Last night I hosted a talk about women and the occupy movement.  Later that night the NY camp was dispersed through police intervention.  Here are some of the links I've been reading to prepare for our talk.

The f word put together a podcast with my topic in mind.  Feminist and Occupy Wall Street.

Racialicious put together a video about the variety of voices at the camp.

Flavorwire displays pictures of common spaces in a variety of occupy locations.

Rabble spoke to indigenous solidarity within the movement, as well as volunteerism

A word on the "hot chicks" of occupy from sociological images.

Finally I read a deconstruction of the safe women only spaces from xojane.

Friday, November 11

PEI Reproductive Rights Rally


Saturday, November 19 · 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Peace Fountain by Province House on Grafton Street

PRRO - Prince Edward Island Reproductive Rights Organization - is organizing a reproductive rights rally to inform residents of Prince Edward Island what reproductive rights women are entitled to as decreed by the Canadian Government in 1988, but are being denied in Prince Edward Island.

Come out and have some coffee or tea, enjoy some busking, listen to informative speakers, learn something new and support a great cause.

Speaker List to follow.

There will also be a drop-off box for a Women's 'Zine. Please feel free to drop off any creative/ informative pieces you would like to contribute.

For more information about PRRO please visit PRRO's facebook group at:


Or the website at: http://www.prro.tk/

Monday, November 7

Rebelles Reader

From the google reminder of Marie Curie's 144th birthday to women's presence in the Occupy movement, I feel like women and feminism have been in the news a lot lately.  Here's a round up of what I've been reading.

Mommy's little helper for the 21st Century from Jezebel and the NY Times

From Young Feminist Wire, Gender and the G20

FRIDA, the young feminist fund launches

Here's an excerpt on men and feminism from feministing

Bitch Media helps us with a twitter round up

A birth control pill was linked to blood clots

Online feminism has been a particularly hot topic: 

NY Mag did a feature on feminist blogging

Someone started a feminist photo blog

The Nation takes on online feminism

Feministing provides a review of the same article

A local feminist from a male perspective

Rabble talks about progressive feminism in neoliberal times

Our own P. Cooke takes a moment to talk gratitude

No news day is complete without something something 72 day marriage

On Occupy; rabble talks about Feminism and Occupy specifically, they have an interview with Michael Parenti, and Racialicious takes on diversity and the movement

As a side note, I'll be hosting a discussion group next Monday November 14th about women and the Occupy movement.  Please pass it on to any Londonites you may be in contact with.

Tuesday, October 18

Updates from London On


I miss hosting the Rebelles meetings so much that I've started a discussion group in my new city, London On.

Check out the facebook invite.  Please feel free to invite anyone you know in or around London.  Invite yourselves for support.  Be motivated to start your own discussion group in your city.  Use my invite as a starting point.

For this group, I decided to put the address, rather than encourage people to email for details.  It's no Feminist HQ, it's just a discussion at my house.

"Please attend to an informal discussion group about feminism. This week, I'll lead a discussion titled, Feminism in My Life. I'll talk for about 15 minutes and then open the floor to a round table discussion. Feel free to say whatever you like, in a safe way, in a safe space.

Also, the more the merrier! Not a feminist? Come anyway! Not a lady? Come anyway! Think you have nothing to say? Come anyway! Not invited? Come anyway! No pressure to contribute or participate.

There will be tea. It might be delicious.

In the future, we can do this again with someone else leading the talk. Previous topics have included: Lady Gaga, Feminist? Women in Politics, Women and Head Coverings, History of Western Feminism, Traditional Gender Roles. We can talk about other options on Sunday. If this sounds fun and/or anyone actually participates, I'll make this a group with a weekly update."

I'll be thinking of NB every time the doorbell rings and we shout "Come in!  Please don't let the cat(s) out!"

Saturday, October 1

Rebelles Reader

From the Globe and Mail: Why Feminists Have Better Sex

Tuesday, August 9

SLUTWALK Fredericton - Because we've had enough!

SLUTWALK Fredericton is here! August 12th, 2011. We'll be meeting in the Tannery shortly before 8pm for the walk.

But why?
On January 24th 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police Force gave the public insight to how they really feel about victims of sexual assault by stating women should "avoid dressing like sluts".

Historically the term "slut" has held negative connotations and been used to shame women (and men) for their sexual practices. And whether it has been used as a serious insult of character, or an everyday insult among friends, the intent behind the word is malicious, so we're taking it back. We are re-claiming "slut".

We live in a society where we teach young women to protect themselves against rape, and to expect sexual assault at every corner. Our strategies need to change. The dialogue needs to switch from "don't get raped" to "do not rape". Young women need to be taught "it's OK to say no".

Slutwalk is a demonstration, a way for us (men and women alike) to take back the word "slut", to not feel pressured into sex because of what we're wearing. A low cut top is not an invitation.

Let's put an end to "slut-shaming."

Slutwalk is an anti-bullying, anti-rape demonstration. It's about educating people to respect boundaries.

It's about freedom of expression, it's about feeling safe when you're out at the club having fun. It's about freedom of choice and sexuality.

The facebook event page can be found here.

Thursday, June 30

Thank you

I wanted to post a brief update about the rally yesterday. 

About 13 people were in attendance including Dominic Cardy the provincial NDP leader, Bill Frasier, the MLA for Miramichi and Nick Scott from AIDS NB.  WE were able to speak to a media representative who took statements and pictures from the event.

The Liberal oppsoition released the following statement after the event:

June 29, 2011

Status of Women advocacy needed now more than ever: Liberals

FREDERICTON – As women gather outside the provincial Legislature to protest the loss of sexual health clinic services for those ages 20-24, it’s clear that an independent, arms’ length advocacy group for women is needed now more than ever, Victor Boudreau, Leader of the Official Opposition Liberals, says.

“If ever we’ve needed the Advisory Council on the Status of Women, it is now,” Boudreau commented. “The Status of Women council was that independent organization that could speak out on behalf of women against the government when it took the wrong path, as the Alward government did when it cut sexual health services to the age group that most needs those services.”

Opposition Health Critic Bill Fraser broke the news of the changes in sexual health services during the main estimates of the Department of Health during the last Legislative session. At that time, New Brunswickers learned that, despite what the Minister of Health described as an “epidemic” of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the government was eliminating sexual health services to women ages 20-24.

The Legislative Assembly also heard that three out of four doctors practising at a Fredericton sexual health clinic had resigned their positions in protest of the cut to services.

The interim Liberal leader suggests that had the Status of Women advisory council still been in existence, pressure could have been applied to avoid this bad decision from happening. The advisory council was eliminated by David Alward, despite his promise in his election platform to work with the group that he eliminated at the first opportunity.

“By eliminating the Advisory Council on the Status of Women, this government sought to silence the voices of women,” Boudreau charged.

“If the Status of Women council was still around, women would have a strong voice on this issue,” he added. “This is a prime example of why we’ve been calling on Minister (Margaret-Ann) Blaney to immediately reinstate funding to the Advisory Council.”

Media Contact: Hillary Casey, Office of the Official Opposition, (506) 453-2548, hillary.casey@gnb.ca

Tuesday, June 28

Rally in Support of Sexual Health Clinics

Where: In front of the legislative assembly house

What date: Wednesday, June 29

When: 8:00 am

Added details:  The provincial government has decided to decrease access to sexual health clinics in NB. This week the health minister is meeting with experts to discuss the ramifications of this decision at the provincial legislature in Fredericton. We hope to show the publicly discuss these same consequences and show support for these much needed, underfunded cornerstones of our health care system.

Friday, May 6

ACSW Rally Today!

A march from Officers Square to the Legislature.

Today, Friday May 6th at 2:30 pm

Tuesday, May 3

Meeting Tomorrow

Meeting Wednesday May 4th at 7pm.

email us at nbrebelles@gmail.com for details.

Wednesday, April 27

Meeting Tonight!


Meeting tonight, April 27, Feminist HQ. Email nbrebelles@gmail.com for details.

We're planning the upcoming benefit at BOOM! and our trip to Winnipeg in May.

See you there.

Tuesday, April 26

ACSW March Planned

Where: A march from Officers Square to the Legislature

What date: Friday May 6th

When: 2:30 pm

Who: Organized by CUPE 2745

Added details: We will be bringing our bras and maybe doing a symbolic "Burning of the Bras" in protest.

Tuesday, April 12

Meeting Tomorrow

We're meeting tomorrow to talk about fund raising for our upcoming trip to Winnipeg.

Email nbrebeles@gmail.com for details.

See you at 7pm at Feminist HQ.

Support from CUPW

Friday, April 8

ACSW Rally


10:15 to 10:45 - rally to support the ACSW at the Legislature in Fredericton.

Check out the blog here.

See you there.

Monday, April 4

Time change to ACSW rally

The time of the rally has been changed to 10:15am to 10:45am

Same date, Friday April 8th.

See you there!

Sunday, April 3

Upcoming rally for the ACSW

Where: In front of the Legislative Assembly

What date: Friday April 8

When: 11:30 to 12pm

Who: Organized by CUPE - NB Division

Join the facebook event here.

Thursday, March 31

Video from today's protest from Global Maritime news


Protest TODAY at NOON outside the legislature.

Come and be seen by the people who want to silence us.

Wednesday, March 30

Protest today in Moncton

Where: Moncton City Hall

What date: Wednesday March 3o, 2011

When: 4:30 to 5:30 pm

The Alward government has abolished the N.B. Advisory Council for the Status of Women, and on Thursday there is a vote in the legislature to get it back! So we need to get as many females and supportive males to come out and show their support.

Our plan to is have women wearing bandannas over their mouths with a sign saying "N.B. women gagged/silenced by Alward" and the men to be holding signs saying "In Solidarity with N.B. women." If you don't live near Moncton, plan a simultaneous protest in your community!

SO do your part! Show up, Invite people and Support NB Women!

http://advisoryactioncoseil.wordpress.com/ and http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_108606645888020&notif_t=group_r2j for more info on this issue!

Nous songeons à mettre sur pied une manifestation pacifique devant l’Hôtel de Ville de Moncton ce mercredi 30 mars entre 16 h 30 et 17 h 30 (heure de pointe!) Nous avons choisi cette date parce que c’est l’avant-dernière journée du CCCF du NB et le jour précédent un vote sur une motion voulant réinstaurer le CCCF du NB à l’Assemblée législative.

Nous envisageons des gens debout à l’extérieur avec la bouche bâillonnée avec des mouchoirs; les femmes porteront des enseignes disant : « Les femmes du Nouveau-Brunswick bâillonnées par Alward. » et les hommes porteront des enseignes disant : « Nous appuyons les femmes du NB. » Nous ferons face à la circulation, et ce, en silence pour montrer notre appui pour le CCCF du NB en souhaitant d’avoir une couverture médiatique.

Nous allons aussi faire des brassards que les manifestants pourront porter. Nous allons couper des languettes de tissu bleu (la couleur du logo du CCCF) et on y appliquera le logo du CCCF du NB également. Nous distribuerons ces items à la manifestation et les gens sont encouragés à faire leur propre brassard également.

Vous pouvez organiser une manifestation dans différentes villes au même moment!


Meeting tonight!

The Rebelles are meeting tonight at 7pm. Please join us to discuss the elimination of the Advisory Council and the protest being held Thursday at 12 noon outside the legislature. We will also be available to take pictures of women interested in the photo protest and will send them to the Save our Advisory Council blog on your behalf. Other topics include fund raising for the national Rebelles conference in Winnipeg this May.

Email us at nbrebelles@gmail.com for details.

Hope to see you tonight!

Tuesday, March 29

Protest the Elimination of the Advisory Council

Where: Outside the legislature

What date: Thursday March 31, 2011

When: 12 Noon

Help us show the New Brunswick government how important the Advisory Council is by gathering in solidarity outside the legislature on Thursday before the motion to reinstate the Advisory Council on the Status of Women is read.

Sunday, March 27

Save the Advisory Council

The Fredericton NB Rebelles want to support the protest of the elimination of the ACSW by encouraging the people of New Brunswick to show the Alward government the faces of the people that they've attempted to silence.

Self identified women can take their own pictures with tape over their mouths with the word "Alward" written across it.

"Part of the unique mandate of the ACSW is to analyze the impact of government action and inaction on the status of women and to bring it to the attention of the public and decision-makers." This important voice is being silenced by the Alward government; now it's time for them to look into the faces of the women they are silencing.

Please help support our initiative and the ACSW by posting a picture of yourself with tape on your mouth. Preferably the picture would be looking with disapproval at the camera, challenging this elimination of women's voices, perspectives and insight in New Brunswick government.

The Fredericton Rebelles are hosting a meeting this Wednesday March 30th at Feminist HQ in Fredericton to take pictures for women. Please feel free to email us at nbrebelles@gmail.com for details.

We will post these pictures on the facebook action page, and will also email them to David Alward at david.alward@gnb.ca. The Advisory council's blog has more information about who else you can contact about your outrage and they suggest the media as well as your local MLA:

Hope to see you angry,
Tania D'Aluisio-Tyler
on behalf of the Fredericton NB Rebelles

Example photos:

Tuesday, February 8

Meeting This Week!

Greetings Feminist Friends!

We will be meeting on Wednesday, Feb 9th, at Feminist HQ.
Email the gmail (nbrebelles@gmail.com) if you're in need of directions.

Be there or be square!*

*It's okay if you're square. Feminism accepts all types.

Wednesday, February 2

No meeting this week!

Greetings Feminist Friends,

There will be no meeting tonight folks, but if you're interested in joining us for a lively discussion next week send us an email at nbrebelles@gmail.com for more information. All are welcome.

Have fun shoveling yourselves out in the morning and we'll see you at Feminist Headquarters next week!

Monday, January 17

Next Meeting!

Greetings Feminist Friends!

The NB Rebelles - Fredericton would like to invite you to our first meeting of 2011!

Please join us at 7pm on Wednesday, January 19th, at Feminist HQ for a discussion group (topic: dating while feminist) and general meeting where we'll be discussing our ideas for the new year!

All are welcome!

Email nbrebelles@gmail.com for the location.

Hope to see you there!