Tuesday, November 15

Rebelles Reader

Last night I hosted a talk about women and the occupy movement.  Later that night the NY camp was dispersed through police intervention.  Here are some of the links I've been reading to prepare for our talk.

The f word put together a podcast with my topic in mind.  Feminist and Occupy Wall Street.

Racialicious put together a video about the variety of voices at the camp.

Flavorwire displays pictures of common spaces in a variety of occupy locations.

Rabble spoke to indigenous solidarity within the movement, as well as volunteerism

A word on the "hot chicks" of occupy from sociological images.

Finally I read a deconstruction of the safe women only spaces from xojane.

Friday, November 11

PEI Reproductive Rights Rally


Saturday, November 19 · 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Peace Fountain by Province House on Grafton Street

PRRO - Prince Edward Island Reproductive Rights Organization - is organizing a reproductive rights rally to inform residents of Prince Edward Island what reproductive rights women are entitled to as decreed by the Canadian Government in 1988, but are being denied in Prince Edward Island.

Come out and have some coffee or tea, enjoy some busking, listen to informative speakers, learn something new and support a great cause.

Speaker List to follow.

There will also be a drop-off box for a Women's 'Zine. Please feel free to drop off any creative/ informative pieces you would like to contribute.

For more information about PRRO please visit PRRO's facebook group at:


Or the website at: http://www.prro.tk/

Monday, November 7

Rebelles Reader

From the google reminder of Marie Curie's 144th birthday to women's presence in the Occupy movement, I feel like women and feminism have been in the news a lot lately.  Here's a round up of what I've been reading.

Mommy's little helper for the 21st Century from Jezebel and the NY Times

From Young Feminist Wire, Gender and the G20

FRIDA, the young feminist fund launches

Here's an excerpt on men and feminism from feministing

Bitch Media helps us with a twitter round up

A birth control pill was linked to blood clots

Online feminism has been a particularly hot topic: 

NY Mag did a feature on feminist blogging

Someone started a feminist photo blog

The Nation takes on online feminism

Feministing provides a review of the same article

A local feminist from a male perspective

Rabble talks about progressive feminism in neoliberal times

Our own P. Cooke takes a moment to talk gratitude

No news day is complete without something something 72 day marriage

On Occupy; rabble talks about Feminism and Occupy specifically, they have an interview with Michael Parenti, and Racialicious takes on diversity and the movement

As a side note, I'll be hosting a discussion group next Monday November 14th about women and the Occupy movement.  Please pass it on to any Londonites you may be in contact with.